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Astrid on Sylt & so
Hakan on Roadtrip nach Paros
Matthias H on Roadtrip nach Paros
Georg on Road Trip 2022
Marco on Mike & Hero Ranger




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Astrid on Sylt & so
Hakan on Roadtrip nach Paros
Matthias H on Roadtrip nach Paros
Georg on Road Trip 2022
Marco on Mike & Hero Ranger

It’s been in our heads for quite some time, the idea of leaving behind our current life and the comfort zone that we live in. Switzerland is a beautiful country, clean, efficient and with a direct democracy. For the last 13 years we managed to “blend in” and lead a very comfortable life, found new friends and gained new experiences. The problem with this kind of life is that you get used to it. You don’t progress and you stop questioning things that you should. You forget that life has more to offer than making money, having nice dinners and drinking wine. You forget that there is a world out there lacking comfort and security but offering something you lost – passion and excitement.

We want this excitement back in our lives. We know it’s a risk, but it’s one worth taking. The decision to do it now was obvious. Why wait another year. Wait for what? More money, better timing, warmer temperatures? There is no good reason to wait any longer. We now have 5 months to prepare and sell our household. 5 months to figure out what we want to take along in our Defender and how all of that stuff might fit in. We do have experience from our previous trips with motorcycles and extended (4 weeks) trips with our Landy. But being away for an indefinite time is something different. All of our previous trips were in spring and sommer. This time we’ll start in October/November and rush right into the winter season. But that’s the kind of thrill that we want.

Final modifications

While we are busy getting rid of “stuff”, which means selling, we are investing in the vehicle that is bound to be our home. Our Defender that has already been equipped with an auxiliary battery system just received a new bumper with integrated winch, reenforced hood (so now you can stand on it) and some engine modifications. Over the next months we will try to spend as much time camping as possible in order to test and refine all of our equipment.

The big challenge however is giving up our appartment and selling (or giving away) all the things that we won’t take along. But that’s what life is all about – you can only get something in return for what you give. And we have to give a lot 😃

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